Dear blog owner and visitors, This blog had been infected to serve up Gootloader malware to Google search victims, via…
Fall 2017 System Drawing
Andrea Frank’s System Drawings Readings: Engines of Destruction Vanishing ocean floor in the Florida Keys worsens risks from sea…
Fall 2017 Project Two images
F17 Project One images
add your images as comments.
Post Project 4 responses here
After you’ve presented your last project, please write a paragraph or two about your project. Discuss concepts, challenges, the relationship…
Project Four
Our next project (and the last one too!) will deal with using Madmapper. Madmapper is a projection mapping software that…
Project Three Links
Group folders: Place pins on this map, making sure you have your group selected. Photoshop Scrolls: 44…
Project Two Images
Project Two Images go here. If you have trouble posting, email Corey ( ) your images.
F16 Project One images
post your images as comments.