Gootloader infection cleaned up

Dear blog owner and visitors, This blog had been infected to serve up Gootloader malware to Google search victims, via…

Fall 2017 System Drawing

Andrea Frank’s System Drawings   Readings: Engines of Destruction Vanishing ocean floor in the Florida Keys worsens risks from sea…

Post Project 4 responses here

After you’ve presented your last project, please write a paragraph or two about your project. Discuss concepts, challenges, the relationship…

Project Four

Our next project (and the last one too!) will deal with using Madmapper. Madmapper is a projection mapping software that…

Project Three Links

Group folders:   Place pins on this map, making sure you have your group selected. Photoshop Scrolls: 44…

Project Two Images

Project Two Images go here. If you have trouble posting, email Corey ( ) your images.